Mystery Composer for Wizard101 is a Male!

Wizard101 has released a total of seven hints about the Mystery Music Artist who composed the soundtrack for the upcoming Wintertusk zone. Let's re-cap the full list of hints:

  • I've performed on Saturday Night Live and my initals are NOT J.B.
  • My natural hair color is brown
  • My gender is male
  • My eyes are NOT blue
  • I've been on The Tonight Show, the Late Show, and Late Night
  • Some of the songs I’m currently listening to on my iPod are ADELE – Set Fire To The Rain, Fleetwood Mac – As Long As You Follow and Elisa Doolittle - Rollerblades
  • I’ve been nominated for several awards

With females out of the question, fan speculation is all over the place! Check out the game's Facebook page and join in with your guess. Who could it be?


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