Vanguard Account Reactivations

Did you happen to become a Vanguard subscriber at launch, only to leave the game? Have you been wondering what life's been like on Telon since launch? You might find that investigating your account page would be worthwhile, as chances are, your account could be flagged to currently play Vanguard: Saga of Heroes for free!

Starting yesterday, people who previously signed up for the email newsletter received a new email stating that canceled Vanguard accounts will be going through the process of becoming flagged free from now until July 31. While the Isle of Dawn trial is nearing its release, those who work on Vanguard cannot wait for anyone with an inactive account to see how many improvements have been made to the game.

New quests and content are currently in the game, along with many different mounts to obtain as well as constant updates in code to fix 'hitching' and other performance issues. This is not the Vanguard it was at launch. It's free, so try it out. You might be pleasantly suprised!

The official word can be found here and if you need to digitally reinstall the game, the installer can be downloaded from here.

I look forward to meeting you in Telon!


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