The Ultimate Guide to Getting Credits

As you may know, when I get an interesting editorial or article, I like to post it here to be read and debated on. here is a nice guide to getting credits that was sent in by Plutarch: Low on money? Just dying to get that shiny BFG in the window but your account is just a few thousand credits short of the pricetag? Unless you have a rich mutant of an uncle who likes to play russian roulette with a Perminate Death weapon, you're going to have to earn credits the good ole fashion way: Freelance Contracting. Missions are going to be the best way to get credits for the forseeable future, so you need to learn how to 'massage' the system to make the most you can in the least amount of time possible. So here it is: Mission rewards are higher the farther you have to travel, but that doesn'tmean they take longer to do. What do you think whompas (and later on, the Grid) are for, anyway? So here is how you use that information: Use the whompas (or grid when you get access) to go to the farthest away city that you can. Go up to the mission terminal and get a mission (set the Money/EXP slider all the way to money), preferably one where you just have to pick up an item (not return it) to complete the mission. Before accepting the mission, see where the mission is sending you. The best is to pick a city as far away as possible from where you currently are. For example, go to the clan city of Avalon and get a mission who's destination is in Newland City or, preferably, Tir (not Tir County, because you have to run outside for that). The reward for such missions at level 4 is a stunning 2700+ credits, not counting the reward item. Get the max amount of 3 missions, preferably all with the same destination city (don't worry about what the reward item is), then go to the city. Use a cell scanner in that city in case you die, which you very well might (don't worry, death means nothing in this instance). When you get inside the mission be sure you're healed up and: RUN! Go through each door looting any chests you find, ignoring all the enemys. If you're rooted then you may need to kill whatever monster is fighting you,but that doesn't happen too often. Do whatever you can to find the mission objective item and grab it. Then you can screw around in the mission doing whatever you want, but once you've looted everything you might as well leave. If you want some exp then you can just do this mission as normal without doing the 'loot run'. When finished leave the mission and go sell all that ph@t l00t you don't want to keep in a nearby store (so you're not ever overburdened.overburdened = lower run speed = failure and death). Without killing a single enemy you will be anywhere from 3000-5000 credits richer than when you started. And all in less than 5 minutes of running, and only slightly more if you die. Final notes on the mission terminal: The sliders mostly change what kind of missions you get when you hit Request Mission. You do not have to close the window each time after requesting a mission. Just move one of the sliders over and the button pops up again, and you're free to move the slider back before requesting another mission. You should almost always set the mission slider all the way to Money. If you do not move any sliders and Request a mission sometimes the top-right mission will have a Merit as part of the reward. Not precisely sure of their effect, but they are worth getting...I think they raise your max HP and nanopoints, as well as increase your rank within the Clan/Omni-Tek/Neutrals. My favorite type of mission is the eye over the blue box, which I call 'art missions'. Move the slider all the way to Bad and all the way to Money to get offered 3 of them. While this is all doable at even before level 4, you can't do squat with all the credits you'll have. Anything you can buy has reqs higher than you can use, but it's nice to have enough money so that you don't have to worry about it at all for the next 10 levels or so. If you clear the whole mission of enemys you'll get just as much, if not more, exp than you could doing any other kind of mission. So not only are you getting a ton of money, but you're getting good exp too. Not as good EXP as grouping, but it's the best solo exp you can get...more or less. When you have access to the grid this will get even BETTER! You need 100-150 comp lit skill, but it will be so worth it- it won't even be funny. This is definately a technique available to you for the entire game. If you have anything to add, please feel free. Plutarck


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Run Plutarck Run
# Jul 04 2001 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
Some good ideas but only practical at the extremely low levels where most missions take place in mission areas that resemble buildings. At level 10 all the missions I've done have taken place in dungeons/caves (I really wish they wouldn't), and with the current bugs it is nearly impossible to complete a find object mission as it will usually be stuck in a wall or behind an object where you can't see it.

Also as the author states, most equipment you find in shops will actually be too high in reqs for you. I have plenty of creds I want to spend on armour but I won't be able to use most of the basic Omni stuff until at least level 18. I have found that the best use for excess creds at low levels is for purchasing/installing implants.
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