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Club Penguin Presents The Stage

Club Penguin's developer blog has a new announcement regarding "The Stage"!

If you haven’t already seen it, you should definitely check out the new stage! We hope Club Penguin is always a place to express your creativity and I’m sure The Stage is going to make that even better. Some fun things to do are to use the script and put on a costume to put on a play, or just hang out and watch a great show. If you’re into music and have an instrument, the black area in front of the stage is for you to use. It’s called “the pit” in stage language.

If you haven’t already noticed, if you open up the script and then go to your igloo, you can use the script to rehearse in your igloo! Also, the costumes and sets will change in the future. So get your friends together and put on a show! The great thing about Club Penguin is there will always be an audience!

What a fantastic idea!  Practice up and let's see what you've got!


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